The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations, Qu Dongyu.
Animal health experts from around the world gathered in Rome, Italy, to test initiatives aimed at improving the health of livestock raised by farmers worldwide. According to the report, the goal is to improve the quality of livestock health in livestock farms around the world.
This initiative was spearheaded by the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organisation. Farmers all over the world are losing livestock due to a variety of diseases, some of which could have been avoided.
In 2011, the United Nations led global efforts to combat diseases affecting cattle and wildlife. Following 2011, there was an increase in the number of livestock deaths worldwide due to a variety of factors, including poor livestock health.
According to the report that led to the meeting in Rome, Italy, the fight against livestock diseases necessitates the participation of everyone who raises animals.
The lack of direction and cooperation among governments, farmers, businesspeople, and animal health officials is the reason that the problem of livestock death cannot be successfully addressed.
Livestock death accidents on roads, forests, and natural disasters are some of the factors that contribute to an increase in livestock mortality. Cooperation is the only way to address the global animal mortality crisis.
The loss of livestock in the world is estimated to be $2 billion, while the situation affects three million poor people worldwide.
The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations, Qu Dongyu, believes that everyone must work together to combat this issue.
“Fighting the problems that cause livestock deaths in the world is important because it will cause stability in food production for the people of the world in general, while also allowing us to continue the development plan in a sustainable world,” Dongyu explained.
South Africa is one of the countries where livestock deaths are a problem, particularly for young farmers who lack access to feeding facilities and other modern equipment. According to reports, Kenya lost a large number of livestock in 2006 due to various diseases.
“We need everyone's help, we're funded by world-class donors, and we run comprehensive programs to combat livestock health issues,” Dongyu explained.
Dongyu believes that animal health experts all over the world must work together to find solutions to the problems that cause livestock deaths.
Foot and mouth disease is one of the leading causes of livestock deaths in South Africa, and there is also the issue of livestock deaths on roads.
The lack of a proper method for controlling livestock movement is a major contributor to livestock deaths in the Eastern Cape.
Smallholder farmers in the Eastern Cape are losing livestock due to road accidents caused by fallen fences and a lack of camps and herdsmen.
Because of this issue, emerging farmers incur the cost of transporting their herds to other locations, and they are sometimes forced to sell them. Every year, every farmer loses a large number of livestock due to disease and road accidents.