Vacant buildings in the Kimberley CBD are being vandalised, stripped of materials, and used as havens for criminal activity. File picture
Dear Sir,
It was with interest that I read the Letter to the Editor titled "Can someone please tell me what’s the plan?" (DFA website, February 3, 2025).
In my young sporting days, North West was under the Griquas flag for provincial hockey. I fondly recollect those times spent in Kimberley.
Recently, I had cause to travel through Kimberley en route to Cape Town. Unfortunately, I must concur with the views of the author of the article referred to above. Compared to the past, Kimberley is now just a dump – a dirty town where I will not stop for a meal or to refuel.
To answer the author's question: all is not lost. There is a plan. It is called the NDP (National Development Plan). The only problem is that it is the same plan that has been followed since 1994. After the past 30 years of failure, the future outcomes are predictable for anyone with common sense – all statement of intent and zero execution.
So why does it fail?
Well, the underlying rationale and driving force is the Socialist ideology, underwritten in the Manifesto of the Communist Party, which was first published in 1848. This is available on the Internet in PDF format. It makes for difficult reading, so I would advise doing a word search of the document using "Private Property" as the search criteria.
"The theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property."
"No private property" implies that only the State will operate everything. Just reflect on how successful the past 30 years have been for: the SABC, SAA, Eskom, Denel, Prasa, Transnet, and the municipalities.
Name one globally successful economy following this ideology since its publication in 1848.
You will also understand why there is serious concern over new legislation: EWC, BELA, and NHI.
While the author is critical of the present failing infrastructure, considering it evidence of failure, the ruling party must see it as a victory.
Private companies and entrepreneurs leaving the country is ticking the boxes. Broken bridges, load shedding, and the water crisis make it impossible for businesses to be competitive locally and globally.
Private enterprise will fail, which is part of the plan!
I have sympathy for the author and for those citizens working hard in difficult times, longing for a better life and improved infrastructure. However, I doubt it will get better with a government that follows this failed ideology while protecting the corrupt elite. It concerns me greatly that the majority still believe the idle promises made year after year.
Believe it or not, we are doing this to ourselves by allowing it to continue. But you will be glad to know that there is also an alternative plan. That is for the masses to vote for change in 2026. You just need to be very careful in deciding what change you vote for.
Robby Holmwood
* Letters are very lightly edited for clarity and to comply with the DFA’s style.
** Letters reflect the opinions of their authors. While the DFA welcomes diverse views, contributors are solely responsible for their content.
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